Global and International Studies Building, 3051

Courses Recently Taught
- Advanced Hebrew I and II
- Modern Hebrew Literature in English translation (and in the original)
- Introduction to Modern Hebrew Literature
- Recent Hebrew Literature in English translation (and in the original)
- S. Y. Agnon and the Jewish Experience
- The Kibbutz in Fact and Fiction
- Biblical Themes in Modern Hebrew Literature
Publication Highlights
- "Ambivalent Embraces: American Hebraists' Accommodation with Eretz Israel." Jewish Quarterly Review (forthcoming).
- "Quinces," A short story by Avshalom Kaveh, will appear in the spring 2010 issue of Zeek.
- Red, Black, and Jew: New Frontiers in Hebrew Literature. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009.
- "First Cry: Moshe Ben-Meir's Early Holocaust Poetry of the Un-Passover." Hebrew Studies L (2009): 277–304.
- "Child's Play: Hillel Bavli's 'Mrs. Woods' and Indian Representation in American Hebrew Literature." Modern Judaism 27, no. 2 (2007): 193–218.
- "To be as Others: E.E. Lisitzky's Re-presentation of Native Americans." Hebrew Union College Annual 73 (2003), 249–97.
- The Centrifugal Novel: S.Y. Agnon's Poetics of Narrative. Madison, NJ: AUP/Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1999.
- Ha-Gibbor be-Eynay Ruho: Torat ha-Sipper be-'oreah nata lalun' le-Shay Agnon [in Hebrew, "The Hero in His Own Eyes: Narrative Techniques in S.Y. Agnon's A Guest for the Night"]. Tel-Aviv: Eked, 1985.